
How To Set Up Projector And Screen

If you've never installed a projector or screen earlier, the process can exist quite confusing. The general thought is uncomplicated, and you probably already accept a good idea of where you want each slice to go, just the specifics are unclear. Which is mounted commencement, the screen or the projector? How far back should the projector be from the screen? How loftier should the screen exist? How do you fine tune the projector'south position to fill the entire screen? This guide answers all of those questions, and hopefully any others y'all have nigh how to mountain a projector and screen as well.

1. Screen Location

Your very first task is to determine the best location for the screen. There is usually simply 1 wall in the room that the screen will piece of work on, but try to identify it on a wall that has no direct light. The more light that hits the screen, the more washed out the image will expect. If the light in the room cannot be completely controlled, yous might consider an ambient light rejecting screen like the StewartFilmscreen FireHawk G4 we reviewed.

Afterward you have decided on the best wall, the adjacent chore it to decide on the height. We recommend that the bottom of the screen be betwixt 24" and 36" inches off the floor. If you have multiple rows of seating, y'all may demand to go a bit higher to keep make clean sight-lines for people sitting backside the first row. Also take into account annihilation that volition sit below the screen, similar a center speaker or entertainment center.

THX screen height

According to THX, viewers should not accept to look upward more than xv degrees

At this point in the installation, you lot could pull out the instruction manual that came with the screen and mount the screen on the wall. However, we recommend swinging back and mounting the screen later, especially for individuals who are installing a front projections system for the first time. The height of the screen tin can be limited by the vertical showtime and lens shift of your projector, which are discussed in stride 2. Additionally, later on watching a few movies y'all might find, much to your displeasure, that you prefer the screen higher or lower. It is for these reasons we recommend y'all mark out your platonic screen placement on the wall using painter's tape and simply mount it after the projector is installed. Brand sure that you mark out the viewing surface area of the screen, non the outside border of the frame.

Once yous accept taped off the ideal screen placement, it's time to observe out if the projector can arrange that screen location.

2. Projector Location

Determining the all-time location for the projector is quite a bit trickier than the screen. You demand to take into account the projector'south throw distance, vertical offset, and lens shift, in add-on to restrictions caused by the placement of electric outlets, lights, and joists. Each of these variables needs to be considered ane at a time. We'll offset with throw distance. Let's take a closer wait at each of those foreign-sounding terms:

Throw Distance: How far abroad from the screen?

The throw altitude rating of a projector tells yous how close or far away from the screen the projector tin can be mounted. If yous mount the projector too close to the wall, the projected paradigm will be besides small. If you mount it likewise far abroad, the image will exist too large. Thankfully, near all modern projectors have a zoom adjustment, which allows yous to adjust the size of the epitome without actually moving the projector closer or further away from the screen. This tin can give y'all slap-up flexibility when figuring out the proper distance from the wall for your projector.

The throw altitude of your projector will be listed in the manual. If information technology only lists a single number, like "ane.3", then your projector does not accept an optical zoom adjustment. This means that the merely way to adjust the size of the image is to physically motility the projector closer or farther away from the screen. In this case, you will need to be very careful to mount the projector in the verbal right position. You lot can summate this position by multiplying the throw distance number (in this example, 1.three) by the horizontal length of your screen (not diagonal).

Throw altitude x width of screen in inches = distance from screen to projector lens

throw distance

Throw distance is the distance from the screen to the projector

For example, if your screen is 87" broad and the throw altitude of your projector is ane.3, the projector should be 113" (87x1.3=113") from the screen. Remember to measure from the center of the projector's lens direct to the screen, like the above prototype shows.

For virtually people, your projector will list a throw distance, or throw ratio in this case, of something similar 1.5-2.25. The wider the throw ratio, the more wiggle room you have in placing your projector. For example, I employ an Epson PowerLite Dwelling house Movie theater 5020UB (replaced by the 5030UB), which has ane of the widest throw ratios available at 1.34-2.87. I also use a StewartFilmscreen FireHawk G4 screen, which measures 100" diagonally, 49" loftier, and 87" wide. This ways that I tin can place the projector between 116.half-dozen" (1.34 x 87") and 249.7" (two.87 x 87") inches abroad from the screen. Once you have determined the exact distance away from the screen that the lens should be, write it down and mark the ceiling with a slice of painter's record. I recommend labeling the painter's tape so you lot don't confuse it, later on in the install, with record used to mark joists.

Note that the closer the projector is to the screen the brighter the image volition be. You can always turn the brightness up or down to adjust your preferences. If the arrangement is going in a room that will have ambient light, then the closer to the screen the better, equally long as you stay inside the rated throw range of your projector. Also note that some screens have a minimum distance requirement, meaning that the projector has to be a certain distance away from the screen in order to avert hotspotting (when the eye of the epitome is brighter than the edges). Check your manual to run across if this is the example with your screen. With all of that said, you can usually go a fiddling deeper black levels with the projector farther away. Also consider the racket of the projector when running. The fan in some projectors is loud enough to exist heard during quite scenes of a motion picture, so mounting it a ways behind your seating position isn't a bad idea. Past the time you take taken into business relationship the minimum distance requirements of the screen, throw distance of the projector, seating locations, and ceiling fixtures, yous will probably have a very limited spot to mount the projector.

Vertical Offset: How far downwardly from the ceiling?

Vertical offset tells you how high or low the projector needs to be mounted in gild for the image to project at the proper height on the wall. Unfortunately, the math tin exist a piddling tricky to figure out. I volition explain how to translate and calculate vertical offset, but near people don't need to get caught upwardly in the math. Most projectors offer vertical lens shift, which means that the prototype can exist adapted up or downwards until it is at the proper height on the wall. If your projector has adaptable vertical lens shift, I recommend actually powering it on and belongings it (utilize a ladder to relieve your arms) at the height and distance you want it mounted. Side by side, accommodate the vertical offset until the image is in the right location. In some installs, you may demand to physically lower the projector for everything to line up. In that scenario, yous will need a projector mountain that can accommodate an extension pipe. I recommend purchasing the piping from a local hardware store and having them cut and thread it, yous just need to spray paint it black.

For those who take a projector with a fixed vertical offset, are in a state of affairs where you can't just fire it upwards and see where the image is on the wall, or need to use an extension pipe, there's some math to learn.

Outset tin either be positive or negative. A positive get-go means that the image will be higher than the lens when the projector is attack a table. A negative offset means that the image will be projected lower than the lens when the projector is gear up on a table. Since a projector is upside down when mounted on a ceiling, we are most concerned with positive outset. Showtime is represented in percentages.

The percent of starting time is measured from the center of the lens to the vertical center of the screen. The epitome below shows a projector with 0% offset. This means that the center of the lens needs to be lined up with the vertical center of the screen. Obviously, this is non applied in nearly situations. Consumers want the projector to be out of the mode, this is why manufacturers incorporate vertical offset.

0 degree offset

Projector with 0% Vertical Image Start

Everyone agrees that the above paradigm bear witness a projector with 0% outset; even so, you volition find conflicting information near the image below. The paradigm beneath shows a projector with a fifty% showtime. If y'all poke around the cyberspace a flake, you will find people that refer to this every bit 100% offset, but that is incorrect. The full summit of the screen is considered 100%. So, let'southward say that yous have a projector screen that is 49" high (continuing with the 100" diagonal screen mentioned earlier), a 100% vertical offset would mean that the projector needs to be mounted 49" above the center of the screen. In this instance, that would put the projector 24.5" above the meridian edge of the screen. If the projector had a 50% commencement, the lens would be mounted at the aforementioned level as the elevation of the screen.

50 degree offset

Projector with fifty% Vertical Image Offset

You can use this formula to assistance determine how far above or below the center of the screen the lens should be.

Total peak of screen 10 percentage of offset = altitude of lens above/beneath center of screen

The Epson 5020UB I apply has an adjustable get-go of -96.3% to +96.3%. This means that the projector can be mounted anywhere from 47" (49"ten.963) above the center of my screen to 47" beneath the center of the screen.

Horizontal lens Shift: How far off to the side?

Horizontal lens shift follows the exact same rules every bit vertical lens shift, but information technology allows yous to mount the projector off-center horizontally instead of vertically. The formula is also substantially untouched.

Total width of screen x percent of offset = distance of lens to the left/right of centre of screen

In that location is seldom a reason that you cannot mount the projector and then it is exactly lined upwards with the horizontal eye of the screen, and there are two big reasons you should do everything within your ability to mount the projector horizontally centered on the screen. Outset, lens shift tin can degrade motion-picture show quality by subtly distorting the image. The distortion might not be very noticeable, only is nevertheless a possibility. Second, vertical and horizontal lens shift interact with each other. The more than of one you use, the less of the other y'all tin can use. JVC warns consumers about this in the image below.

JVC offset

JVC Vertical and Horizontal Image Offset Diagram

If any of the math was confusing—and information technology can exist on your first read through—yous can utilize Projector Fundamental's figurer, which handles all of the calculations for you. In either case, I always suggest powering on and testing out the projector to double cheque the calculations.

3. Mount Projector to Ceiling

At this point, you should know exactly where the projector lens needs to be. The next step is to mountain the projector to the ceiling. In this article, I am using an OmniMount PJT40 projector mount. There are a wide variety of mounts on the market, and they all work similarly. The biggest difference I have noticed among mounts is how easy they are to install. This is especially true when it comes to dialing in the pitch, roll, and yaw of the projector, which is the terminal step in this commodity. Cheap mounts tend to be very difficult to brand precision adjustments on. They also tend to exist prone to drift, which is when the projector slowly moves out of alignment over time. Overnice mounts are more probable to hold the projector in the exact location yous leave information technology. I chose the PJT40 for use in this install considering OmniMount'south new MicroDial system promises to brand fine tuning easy and avert drift. Information technology also works with iii" NPT pipe, so I could drop the projector downwards if needed at some point in the future.

Note about the PJT40: As of publishing this review, I have been using the OmniMount PJT40 for about a month. It hangs down a little lower than my previous mount, the OmniMount 3N1-PJT, but is a big step up in every way. Fine adjustments were ridiculously easy thanks to the MicroDial system and the projector hasn't drifted at all. All of the parts are above-average quality, which means you tin can experience confident the projector will stay mounted and non finish up in your lap half way through a film. The PJT40 is a little on the expensive side, only I think that the ease of install and high quality construction brand information technology worth it.

PJT40 PartsTools

                     OmniMount PJT40 Parts                                Don't forget tools

Projector mounts are split into two major sections, the office that attaches to the projector (projector plate) and the part that attaches to the ceiling (ceiling plate). You lot always start by attaching the projector plate to the top of the projector. Follow the instructions for your particular mount. Note that leveling the projector is easiest if you center the plate on the projector and ensure the plate is close to level.

Projector Plate

PJT40 Projector Plate

Next, yous need to determine the exact location the ceiling plate should be mounted. Adhere the ceiling plate to the projector plate. Your goal here is to completely assemble the mount while the projector is still sitting on the ground. Measure the distance from the lens to the ceiling plate. As y'all can run across in the image below, that distance was nigh 6" for this install. Bear over that measurement to where you marked the platonic lens placement on the ceiling earlier in the install. Measure back and make another marking for the ceiling mount. In this install, that would mean that I merely measure out dorsum from the lens marker six inches, and that's where the front of the ceiling plate should be. If the ceiling plate isn't centered side-to-side with the projector lens, you lot will also demand to take into account that distance. In the below image, the ceiling plate is centered side-to-side with the lens, so no additional measurements were needed.

Plate to Lens

Measuring From Lens to Ceiling Plate

Disassemble the ceiling plate from the projector plate and keep to mountain the ceiling plate on the ceiling (are yous tired of reading the words projector, ceiling, and plate yet?). The mountain should come with 4 lag bolts, but most of the fourth dimension just ii are needed if they are properly centered on a ceiling joist. I never fully trust stud finders (especially on textured ceiling), then I recommend poking a small nail or precision spiral driver into the ceiling to ensure you lot establish a joist. In some instances there won't exist a joist where you want to mount the ceiling plate. In this instance, you will either need to utilize lens shift or mount the plate to a block of forest that's large enough to span the distance betwixt two joists and secure that block to the ceiling joists (that block can go within the ceiling if you take attic access). In one case the ceiling plate is secured, install whatever sort of trim ring that came with the mount.

Ceiling Plate mounted

Ready for the projector! Effort to ignore the ugly edge

Enlisting the help of a significant other or friend is a good idea when attempting the next pace. Verify everything is secure, then lift upwards the projector and attach information technology to the ceiling plate. Install any condom screws that came with the mount. Adhere any power or video cables, and loosely zilch tie the cables in identify. To assistance avert drift and lessen the take chances of damaging the inputs on the projector, zip tie the cables to the mount, not the projector.You all the same need to leave enough slack for final adjustments.

4. Mount Screen on Wall

Every screen mounts a little differently, but steps are completed in the same order. This tutorial assumes you are using a fixed frame screen, equally opposed to a retractable screen. First, get together the frame. Second, temporarily mount the frame on the wall and bank check that information technology is horizontally level and vertically plumb. Yous may need to utilise shims between the frame and wall in order to reach a plumb screen. Third, take down the frame and attach the bodily screen to the frame. Quaternary, re-mount the frame (now with screen attached) and double-check horizontal level and plumb. I recommend using a two or three foot level instead of a short 5 or viii inch level (a.chiliad.a. torpedo level).

Custom Screen Mount

Sometimes you need to be artistic

In my room, I actually had to build an entire wooden frame out of one"x4"s to mountain the screen's frame to because information technology was going over a window. You can see in the above epitome that I too had to utilise shims when leveling.

5. Fine Tune Projector Orientation

You are almost done, but now comes what I think is the hardest function of the unabridged process. Fine-tuning tin be time consuming, frustrating, and uncomfortable, unless that is, you enjoy holding your hands over your head for extended periods of time every bit you repeat the same steps over and over. You will need to accommodate the focus, zoom, pitch (tilt up and down), yaw (bending to the left/correct), and scroll (horizontal level) of the projector/mount. This is where buying a nice projector mountain, similar the PJT40, actually pays off. These adjustments are very minor, thus they require a mount that is stable and offers precision control. Many entry level mounts do non offer reliable and easy to employ precision adjustments.

Most projectors come with a built-in filigree pattern that will help when making these adjustments. Alternatively, y'all can employ the patterns on dedicated calibration discs like Disney WOW, or on the THX Optimizer included on well-nigh THX certified discs (it'south usually buried in the DVD/Blu-ray menu). If you don't have access to any test pattern, a normal 16x9 HD signal volition also work.

Yous should start by taking a minute or two to get the image relatively close to accurate before doing any fine adjustments. Equally you go through this arduous process, know that you volition accept to revisit each aligning multiple times. Every fourth dimension you adapt ane affair, it will touch on something else. This is a back-and-forth process. It's also prissy to utilize two people, i to brand the adjustments and the other to stand past the screen and give feedback. This is especially true if the projector is far away from the screen.


Zoom is adjusted by turning a band around the lens. I normally make the epitome a little larger than the screen to ensure that the entire screen is filled. Any function of the image that spills over volition be absorbed by the screen frame. Sometimes I will purposefully make the image too pocket-sized while performing other adjustments and just zoom out to the cover the full screen when everything else is dialed in. This is because it can be easier to tell if pitch, curl, or yaw are incorrectly set when you can see the border of the prototype on the actual screen, as opposed to the frame around the screen.


Adjusting focus on a projector is only like with a camera. Once more, information technology's controlled via a ring around the lens. You showtime by moving the paradigm out of focus, and and so slowly adjusting the band until the image snaps into focus. If you are doing this alone, you can use a pair of binoculars or walk upwards to cheque focus. Many people but adjust focus using their naked eye from the distance of the projector.


Roll is fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to arrange. Assuming that the screen is level, all y'all demand to do is set a pocket-sized torpedo level on the projector, oriented so it is parallel to the screen, and adjust the mount until the projector is also level. If yaw is not correct, it'southward possible that the paradigm volition wait unlevel fifty-fifty if the projector and screen are both level. Remember, fine-tuning is a process of repeatedly making small adjustments to each setting. Y'all don't simply accommodate whatever setting to exist perfect and so move on to the next i.


When ringlet is non prepare correctly


If the projector is pointing upwardly or down, you will have problems with pitch. The projector should be pointing directly forrad, perpendicular to the screen. If pitch is set correctly, the left and right sides of the image volition be parallel. The easiest way to dial in pitch is to set a small torpedo level on the projector, oriented so it is perpendicular to the screen, and adjust the mount until the projector is level.


When pitch is not set correctly

Once the pitch is set properly, chances are that the epitome will be also high or low on the screen. This is where vertical lens shift comes into play. Use lens shift to bring the image up or down. You may have to go dorsum and forth between adjusting pitch and vertical lens shift a few times until the image is lined up properly. Practice non, ever—no affair what—utilize keystone correction. Keystone correction is digital processing used to manipulate the size of the image and compensate for incorrect pitch. It is convenient, but will reduce prototype quality. If vertical lens shift doesn't exercise the trick, you will demand to physically lower or raise the mountain or screen.


I find that yaw is the most difficult adjustment to make. Dissimilar roll and pitch, you can't use a level. To accommodate yaw, you need to turn the projector from side-to-side until the top and bottom of the image are parallel. If the lens is exactly horizontally centered on the screen, the epitome volition also exist horizontally centered on the screen. If the lens is a little off, the prototype volition be off. Just similar adjusting pitch, lens shift is used to gear up this problem. Suit yaw a little flake, then lens shift, so yaw, and then on, until the image is horizontally centered.


When yaw is not set up correctly

An invaluable tip when adjusting yaw is to apply a piece of tape to marker the center of the screen (identify the tape on the frame, not the screen). Information technology'south far easier to line up the centerline on a test design to a piece of tape than it is to apply the edges of the screen as a reference. Yous can likewise employ this fob when adjusting pitch, just put the tape on the vertical center of the screen instead of horizontal center.


At this bespeak, you are finished mounting and adjustment your screen and projector. Congratulations are in order! But don't get also settled in, you are likely far from finished with the entire system. Check out our home theater set up guide for help setting up the residuum of your gear, and making motion-picture show adjustments on the projector. If you have any questions or comments, allow us know in the comments beneath.

How To Set Up Projector And Screen,


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